Design & Illustration

IA Design Studios

Logos & Branding

Minimal or full branding. Starting at $175 for quick and simple vector logo.
Add ons for branding, mockups and motion graphics and video openers and logo stings.


Book Design & Illustration

Illustration per character of full-page art available. Pricing determined by project and complexity.

Average projects: $75-150 per page, $300 full illustration spread, $200-300 cover. Inquire with project needs and details in the contact form below!


Design Goodies & Tools

From design tools such as brushes and graphics, wallpapers, 3D backgrounds and mockups, pursue our project folio on Behance, or head over to our shops on Gumroad and Etsy! We often have freebies on Gumroad to showcase our new items and samples from sets 🍬


psssst! Don't forget to look for exclusive discounts for our design goodies on IA's Instagram and Behance project pages!

See More Photos via the links below: